I’ve been to North Carolina before. Hello, Barbecue! But not South Carolina. I have a few friends that live there too. Maybe I should set up a visit. From their photos, best I can tell it’s a really pretty state. Plus, it’s still technically the south. And I’m from the south. So I speak “south.” Only my other fellow southerners will know what I mean. All y’all get it. Anyway, I know names really have nothing to do with how something taste, but damn if they don’t make you want something. I know according to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But names ARE important.
Look at subdivisions. Do the names of the streets say things like “garbage mound loop” or “rotting opossum way”? No, of course not. Because no one would ever want to live there. Instead, you’ve got things like “cherry blossom drive” and “bay breeze avenue.” To me, the name “South Carolina Cobbler” invokes images of a perfectly golden crust and sweet yellow peaches, all hot and bubbly from the oven. It’s funny because I imagined peaches before I even knew that’s what was in there. It just sounded peachy to me. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make this South Carolina Cobbler.
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