To me, brownies have always meant love. Sweet love. My mom would always bake them for us when we were little. I feel like she made them to show her love for us, always so deep, rich and pure. One time, Mom made brownies for dessert and they were as amazing as ever. This one time stands out to me though because I was really little. She served them on a Friday night. I remember this because the next day was Saturday morning and I woke up early to watch the old classic Saturday morning cartoons. Mom had a strict no-bother policy before coffee, especially on weekends. So I went into our family room which was right next to our kitchen and promptly began watching cartoons.
A while passed and I was hungry but no one, not even my brother, was awake yet. My tummy kept rumbling and finally, I’d had enough. I went into the kitchen and I saw way up on the counter those brownies from the night before. I pushed a chair over and climbed up and helped myself to a teensy piece. Which turned into another teensy piece. Which led to me eating almost the entire remainder of the tray. When Mom finally got up, all she could do was laugh as she made me a real breakfast. These skillet brownies make me think of her for sure. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make these Skillet Brownies.
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