Confession time: while I am in the kitchen, when I am using butter in a recipe, I will always take a spoonful and eat it. Oh yes. I can’t help it. Butter is good stuff. You know what else is too? Caramel. Oh yes. Butter. Caramel. Do you see where I’m heading with this?
If you said fat camp, then that’s totally rude, but probably right, but hey, it’s all worth it for a bite of these salted caramel bars. Say, when did we all start putting salt on caramel anyway? Well, when doesn’t matter. What’s important here is that the simple act of adding salt to sweet can align the planets and the stars, and change the entire world. Ok, maybe it can’t change THE world, but it really truly did change the culinary world. Don’t believe me? Take a good look around you. At the supermarket, all the boxed candies will no doubt advertise a salted caramel flavor. And what about Starbucks? Hello, salted caramel mocha!
Need I say more? I didn’t think so. So let’s get on the salted caramel bandwagon with these salted caramel bars. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to jump on the bandwagon, everyone else is doing it!
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