I am warning you now that this thing will not last very long. I was only sorry I didn’t make 2 loaves so I will totally be making this again and very soon. The original poster mentions that she uses a stone loaf pan and that if you check in on your loaf and it’s browning too quickly, drop the temperature down and very loosely cover it with foil. Take care not to over-stir the batter. It’s okay if it’s lumpy, I promise. I mean, it’s got chunks of banana in there and peanut butter. Once everything is combined, you can fold in the peanut butter cups.
About those peanut butter cups…buy extra. I’m serious. If you have a houseful of people who like to eat candy (which is every house in America), do not set yourself up for failure. Buy extra and hide it well. Because if you don’t, you will go to make this recipe and find you have 5 peanut butter cups left and a VERY guilty-looking husband standing there desperately trying to shove the wrappers into the garbage. Nice try, honey.
I found this loafy recipe on the Cookies and Cups blog. Click the link below to see the blog and full recipe for this Reese’s Peanut Butter Banana Bread.
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