One thing about sopaipillas though is that they call for shortening. Not exactly the best thing for your health. But the good news is that since you’re making them yourself, you can substitute out the shortening for something healthier. There are many alternatives these days but if you can’t find one then butter will also do the trick.
When you first make the dough, it will be a bit crumbly. You’ll knead it for a few minutes and then it will get smooth. After it rests, you can roll it out. If you have a deep-fat fryer, you’ll fill it with 2 inches of oil. If not, use a deep skillet as an alternative. Be sure to drain these on paper towels to remove the excess oil. You can serve them with honey or dust them with powdered sugar. OR do both. Why choose, right? Right!
I found the recipe to make this review from the Taste of Home website. Click the link below to go visit the site and get the detailed recipe.
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