Every time I see Kool-Aid, I’m instantly transported to my childhood. The smell of fresh cut grass in the hot summer air. The endless days of bike riding, swimming, running up and down the street to every friend’s home. Playing until the sun set. Kids these days don’t know what they’re missing. Sure, they can get Kool-Aid but they just sit like lumps on the couch, playing mindless games on their phones and chatting via messengers instead of in person. So sad. Show your children that Kool-Aid IS what summer is made of by inviting their friends over for a swim or a water balloon fight. After all, isn’t that what your children should remember about summer?
I found this totally easy no-bake pie that involves Kool-Aid powder. Even if you have never before made a dessert of any kind in your life, you’ve got to do this. Especially if you love fruity flavors. It’s such a fun, easy pie that will help keep everyone cool. Or “kool” rather. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make this No Bake Kool-Aid Pie.
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