Ah, a dessert that’s like a profound riddle. I love a dessert that makes you think. And I think I’m leaning toward calling this a breakfast dessert. Our culture has so many of those, but I think that’s what makes America such a great place, you know? And honestly, you can NEVER have enough of great foods to choose from.
So to answer this complex thought, it’s a little of both breakfast and dessert. The best parts. All rolled into one. You know something? These could even be a snack. I would accept this in the snack category. They’re very munchable which makes them perfect for crowding around the TV during an award show or the season finale of your favorite drama. But be forewarned…these are completely addictive and they disappear quick. The good news is they’re a snap to make so you can have another batch ready in no time. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make these Cinnamon Cream Cheese Wraps.
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