The county fair is in town for the next 2 weeks. I’m so excited. I love fairs. They remind me of when I was a kid. My dad faithfully took us every year. We loved to go on the rickety rides even though we weren’t very sure if the carnival crew assembled them correctly. We loved to play the games and try to win prizes. And perhaps most of all, we loved the food. I think that’s what I’m most excited for when we go to the fair this weekend…the food. One thing my dad always made sure we ate were the funnel cakes. Oh they’re so good! So light and fluffy with powdered sugar all over. Yum!
In college, one of my best friends surprised me by coming over with funnel cake batter. We made a whole bunch of funnel cakes and even though they weren’t burning or anything, the smoke detector kept going off. So my job was to stand on a chair with a broom, waving it in front of the smoke detector to keep it from beeping for no reason. Oh, memories! This weekend though, I’ll splurge on other food items at the fair because here I have the perfect funnel cake recipe for you. No need to run off and join the freak show. You can enjoy them even when the fair is long gone. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make these Funnel Cakes.
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