The other day, it freakishly down poured. It’s not that raining is unusual here, but about a month ago, there was a tropical storm and the weather people all made a huge fuss about flooding potentials and to batten down the hatches and it was a pretty tame weather event. The rain wasn’t even what I would call a heavy rain. But the rain the other day was so insanely heavy and of course, I was driving in it. The kids and I went to pick up the husband. Stupidly, I forgot to grab umbrellas but in my defense 1) it didn’t look like it was going to rain at that moment, and 2) no umbrella could have saved us from this rain bomb.
When we got back home, the front walk was flooded and we had to run through it. My gym shoes became soaked and I realized I was going to have to work out at home rather than run back out with soggy shoes. Those puddles were awful, but these fudge puddles…oh baby! You’ll want to dance in them all day long. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make these Fudge Puddles.
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