To win me over, all you have to do is make me chocolate chip cookies. I’m so easy. I know. I will always love them the best. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have room in my big heart (or my belly) for other cookies. In fact, you might say I’m a bit of a cookie monster. Not quite like the original Cookie Monster of course. I certainly don’t leave THAT many crumbs everywhere after gobbling down a plate of cookies. But I, like Cookie Monster, find cookies awfully hard to resist.
And while these Almond Toffee Sandies don’t have chocolate chips, they DO have toffee. Which, in my book at least, makes up for it. They are also beyond simple as well as elegant. You could totally make someone’s day by giving them a tin of fresh baked cookies like these! You could make MY day by giving me them to me too. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make these Almond Toffee Sandies.
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