Have you ever made a poke cake before? If not, you need to now, starting with this one. I love poke cakes because of how moist they turn out. In my earliest days of baking, I would sometimes wind up with a dry cake. I have never once had that happen to me with a poke cake, probably because you are pouring something luscious into holes that you’ve poked all over it, allowing the cake to drink it up. It’s one of the smartest ideas ever. Plus, with frosting on top, no one can tell that you’ve poked up your cake. Good stuff!
But this recipe is a bit different than the others I’ve seen for a couple reasons and one of them is because it makes the cakes FROM SCRATCH. Oh now, hang on, sister. Don’t go backing out on me now. This is easy. Child’s play, really. I promise you can make this non-box cake all by yourself. You need to do this. You won’t be sorry! Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make this Chocolate Poke Cake.
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