It always seems that craving for ultra chocolaty cake strikes at the most inopportune times. Like while you’re sitting in traffic with your kids trying to kill each other for the last Cheeto they dropped between the seats. Good times. But lucky for you, I’ve found a chocolate cake recipe so grand and delicious, not to mention simple that you’ll never resort to a box mix for a quick fix again. It’s a from scratch cake that is great for new and old bakers alike. It will also do in a pinch should you invite some friends to dinner or vice versa since it’s fast, simple, fresh and amazing.
Warning…the frosting is just the kind of stuff out of your dreams. It’s rich, thick and chocolaty. You would never guess the secret ingredient in it either. See if those you serve it to can. It could be a fun game! Okay, so maybe it’s not THE most fun game, but hey, eating the cake can be a game. Try playing “see if you can have any leftovers from this cake.” Spoiler alert: you will lose, but it will be worth it. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make this Chocolate Craving Cake.
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