I like bread pudding but most recipes often call for using raisins. I’m not the biggest fan of raisins, but in bread pudding, I’ll eat them. However, it’s my eldest who gets upset about raisins. One day, I’d forgotten that there were raisins in a store-bought treat I’d gotten. I KNOW. I can’t believe I bought something instead of making it myself. I’m a horrible person! Gah! They were cinnamon rolls, in case you were wondering. I didn’t pay any attention and just popped them into the cart. They were on sale and looked tasty and I really hate all the prep work that goes into cinnamon rolls so there.
Anyway, I gave the kids a roll each and went about my business until I heard screams of terror. I nearly dropped my cup of water on the floor as I jumped up to see what had happened. “Mommy! MOMMY! There’s a bug in my cinnamon roll,” my eldest daughter wailed. The younger one looked very confused and was poking what I later realized were raisins in her cinnamon roll. She’s less intimidated, my little free spirit. I tried in vain to explain they were raisins but the bigger child just cried and cried. Bread puddings kind of needs raisins in it though, except for this recipe that I found that puts a new spin on it. Try it! Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make this Butterscotch Pecan Bread Pudding.
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