My husband usually tells me when he’s invited company over to our home. Usually. But there are moments when he forgets to tell me until the day of. “Oh! Oh my God, Honey! I totally forgot! I invited Bill and his wife over for dinner tonight!” This revelation comes in the afternoon of course. Now I’ve no time to run to the store. I’ve shouted at the children in drill sergeant style and they are picking up every crumb and every rogue sock, dusting, sweeping and whatever else I command them to do. He knows he’s angered me enough by not giving me enough notice to be a good hostess so he begins getting our dining room ready and trying to be useful. Me, I tear through the kitchen, trying to make a plan with what I’ve got on hand.
I feel like I’m on one of those cooking shows where I have a limited amount of time and only a small selection of ingredients and I must make something amazing. Lucky for me, we had plenty to work with. Especially when it came to dessert. When I saw a box of brownie mix in the cabinet, I knew exactly what I’d do with it. You’ve got to try this next time you need something fabulous fast. Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make this Brownie Mocha Trifle.
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