I love eating things with my hands, don’t you? I mean, obviously I wash them first but there’s something so primal about it. Burgers. Fries. Pizza. Oh yeah. Go ahead and try eating fries with a fork and watch the look you get from people. Burgers too. Some people eat pizza with a fork and I really think that’s strange, except for Chicago deep-dish. Anyway, when you think about it, there are lots of foods we eat with our hands, especially desserts. But if we’re on the go and we have a cake, it’s hard to really dig in and eat it.
You can’t eat a slice of cake while driving. Well, you could. But the police won’t be happy with you. My college roommate tried that but with a carton of Chinese food and chopsticks. She was a little eccentric. But she was also insanely pretty so the officer let her go with a warning. If only her meal was hand-held. We have all sorts of cookies that we can take with us on the go but what if you wanted carrot cake while on the move? Well, now you’re in luck! Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make these Blue Ribbon Carrot Cake Cookies.
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