Summer is the ultimate time of year for entertaining and enjoying company. It’s also the ultimate time of year for cool and sweet eats. Add some class to your next gathering by serving this ambrosia salad. It won’t disappoint, unlike the stuff they served us in the school cafeteria. That stuff scarred me for YEARS when it came to ambrosia salad. I remember this gross cottage cheese-slathered mess of fruit that included coconut shreds and red grapes along with some Jell-O cubes. God, it was horrible. My poor aunt would make an ambrosia salad for family gatherings and everyone would rave about it but I would hide and refuse to come out until everyone stopped pestering me to try it.
American school lunches, ruining food for everyone since the beginning of school lunches. Blech. So if you were like me and hated ambrosia salad for eons, this one I promise you won’t hate. It’s sweet, refreshing and tasty, plus it looks pretty too. Oh and there are marshmallows! See? Told you it’s good! Let’s go to the next page (click the Next button below) to discover how to make this Ambrosia Salad.
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